WAYNESBORO—Today we highlight the CyberPatriots team for the Fishburne Caissons. CyberPatriot challenges teams of high school and middle school students to find and fix cybersecurity vulnerabilities in virtual computer systems.
How it Works
All teams are scored on how secure they make the system. Top teams advance through the online round of competition, and the best of the best advance to the in-person National Finals Competition. There are 3 types of teams: Middle School, High School (Open), and High School (All Service).
Advancing through the Platinum Tier
Fishburne is categorized as “All Service” because our team entered CyberPatriot as a JROTC team. Right now we have advanced through the platinum tier which is the highest tier possible to score. This year’s team includes the Captain of the team Francis Ko, and the members: Alova, Colton Trundy, Aiden Smith, John Mulvany.